Title: Erasing All Doubt (Doubt Series, Book 0.5)
Author: Sharon Johnson
Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance
Age Group: Adult (18+)
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Eighty-six thousand, four hundred seconds. One thousand, four hundred and forty minutes. Twenty-four hours. One day. In his twenty-five years of life, DeMatteo Santiago had often taken for granted how much could change in a single day.
When DeMatteo crawled to bed at 10:30 pm on May 7, 1980, there was no way of knowing how the next twenty-four hours would forever alter his life. As a young Alpha lion shifter, DeMatteo has left his pride in search of his mate and a pride of his own. But the fates have been conspiring for centuries to lead him to this precise moment in time.
May 8, 1980, 10:30 pm: a moment in time that will forever change the life of Matthew (DeMatteo) Santiago. Facing the challenges of being the new Alpha of the largest pride in the United States, DeMatteo must find a way to lead in the face of his own personal tragedy.
Erasing All Doubt is a prequel to the Doubt Series. I read it before starting the rest of the series, but you can also read it after finishing book one, to get better insights in the characters – it probably works best that way, but I enjoyed getting to know the character’s history prior to starting the first book too.
DeMatteo, the main character, is a lion shifter, and Alpha to the largest pride in the United States. The novella chronicles how he meets Hugh; another shifter orginally from Ireland, a man hiding some horrible secrets related to his past. It’s a solid introduction to the series, and if you’ve finished book one and still have some questions, it helps fill up explain some of the character’s histories and connections.
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