Title: Spirit Vision 3: The Power of Mortals
Author: Morgan Straughan Comnick
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
“You are the beacon of the Lord’s two worlds, but how can you protect them when you have lost your shining light?
When Stary Moon, the Spirit Warrior, awakes on the lunchroom floor of her school, battered and bloodied, she cannot recollect how she came to such a state.
Stary ignores the concerns of her best friends, Chloe, Rin, and Lauren, and continues to go on with her life, but no matter how normal her days and Spirit Warrior duties are, she feels a lingering sorrow like someone is missing from her life. Her friends discover some shocking truths about Stary and realize they’re the only ones who remembers Umbra—Stary’s boyfriend who has mysteriously gone missing. Stary’s universe crashes around her and the fate of the world rests on her shoulders. Her objective is clear, but when she leaves on this mission, there is no turning back, and she will lose one of her worlds—the mortal world of her family and friends, or the spiritual world of her duty and missing someone, for good. Still, Stary has a point to prove to this dark presence that is threatening to consume the planet: there is power from those one least expects, and Stary is prepared to risk everything on this claim.”
What attracted me the most about The Power of Mortals was, no doubt, the cover. I’ve never seen manga/anime figures on the cover of a paranormal book before, but I do like it. It brings something unique, and it made me want to read the book right away. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to read book one and two before diving into this one. I think it did make me miss a few things I would’ve known otherwise had I started in the correct order, but nevertheless, I did really enjoy this book!
Stary Moon, the Spirit Warrior, wakes up battered and bloodied on the lunchroom of her school, with no recollection of what happened. Ignoring her friends’ concerns, she goes on with life as well as she can, but something is missing, and she feels a lingering sorrow. Then things take a turn for the worst, and the fate of the world rests on Stary’s shoulders. One way or the other, she’ll lose one of her worlds: the mortal world of her family and friends, or the spiritual world.
I did like the idea of Spirit Warriors, what powers they have, what their duty is. I really liked Stary. Despite everything that happened, she managed to keep calm, and she was very brave, not afraid to fight. The writing was excellent too, and I really enjoyed spending time in the world of the Spirit Vision series. I look forward to reading the other books when I have a little more time.
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