Title: The Lizard Queen Volume Three
Author: H.L. Cherryholmes
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
300 years ago, in a nameless world, a prophecy passed unfulfilled. A secret society that formed to prevent its occurrence believed it was their doing, while the secret society created to ensure that the prophecy came to pass wasn’t certain it had been stopped at all. Eventually, the prophecy of Lacáruna, a female from another realm and the only being who can read the Lizard Queen’s language, fell into legend. What no one realizes, however, is that Amy Darlidale is just a tad late.
With all of the Extiguos now in their possession, Amy and her friends feel they are close to discovering the truth, but hope they aren’t running out of time. They become aware that both opposing factions behind the Lacáruna prophesy are convening while the militaries of the surrounding nations converge. Aided by a powerful new weapon, Amy’s protectors feel more empowered to overcome any remaining obstacles. But everyone has changed and each must struggle to accept the truth of their evolving principles. Despite the set backs and the struggles Amy, however, grows more confident that they are on the right path because she’s found a way to see her surroundings in a new light.
Although she’s unable to finish reading the final Extiguo to determine her role in bringing about the New Morphósis, Amy Darlidale quickly learns that Runakopolis puts her and her friends on the threshold of another major discovery. A new mystery seems to hold clues to the origins of the Trotéjo and the Arañalianza. Beginning to sense that the ideologies at conflict have been preserved not only by clergy and government but also by culture, Amy is drawn into an enigmatic society of scholars. At first, pages missing from library books and a new theory about the first Morphósis don’t seem to be connected to the Lacáruna prophecy, but the lines of military, church, and academia continue to intersect and familiar faces and adversaries reemerge. Rumors of war are spreading quickly, and whispers that La Arañota will soon rise again are amplifying. This world seems on the verge of shrinking much faster than anyone anticipated.
The surrounding nations are gathering for a war against Pliada, the Trotéjo and the Arañalianza are assembling before the mountain upon which La Reina’s castle sits, and stakes have never been higher. The quest to learn how Amy Darlidale must bring about the New Morphósis has brought her full circle and the truth about her destiny as Lacáruna finally seems within reach. But much blood continues to be shed as all sides race toward the inevitable conclusion of the journey. Amy must summon forces from deep within if she is to save this world—or is it too late?
The last installment in the Lizard Queen series is no doubt the most spectacular of all three volumes, offering a climax of events that was very impressive and kept me on the edge of my seat. The Lizard Queen Series Volume Three is the crowning glory of this epic saga that stretched across nine books, three volumes, and offered a vast, expansive fantasy world that I will always remember.
In the first part of the book, Time Goes Round, Amy has returned to her own world to pull herself together and regain some of her strength. Meanwhile, she discovers a few clues in her own world that could help her in the other world she has grown fond of. More than the other books, I thought this one focused on characters, as we now see Amy spend a lot of time in her own world too, but nevertheless, the plot made some progress too. Besides, focusing on characters isn’t bad – bringing Amy back to her own world helps show how much she’s grown and changed.
Then, in the next part, We Are The Waking, Amy and her friends are back on track to find out more about the prophecy and how exactly it will unfold. You can feel the end is near, that all dots are being connected, the mystery is close to being solved, loose ends are tied up. The action slowed down a little in this book, though, but this picked back up in the final installment, Root of the Rule.
I don’t want to spoil things, but book nine really pushed this volume from a 4 star to a 4,5 star read. It was epic. This whole series was epic.
I would definitely recommend fantasy fans check out the Lizard Queen series. You’ll be in for quite a few surprises, and you won’t be dissapointed at all. More like amazed.
Fabulous review! I need to check out this series. Could be a good fit for me:)