It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (113)


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by BookDate. It’s where book bloggers gather to talk about what books they read and reviewed last week, what books they’re currently reading and what books they’re planning to read. This is a great way for me to plan my reading week, and to take a sneak peek at what others are reading.

Finished Reading

Currently Reading

What are you planning to read this week?


  1. The Room Of Shadows looks interesting and something my son may be interested in reading. Have a great week!!

  2. Kathy Martin says

    The Breathless is on my review stack. I hope to get to it soon. All the rest of your books are new to me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. You always seem to find the spookiest reads! I like. 🙂

  4. Room of Shadows looks rather interesting, the cover at least caught my eye. I think I’ll have to check out a few of these books. Happy Reading!

  5. The Ghosts of Captain Grant’s Inn sounds interesting. Summer vacation has begun and so has the extreme heat. Come see what I’m reading.

  6. I’ve just finished a series and still have no idea what to read next. I have some candidates but unfortunately not what I’m in the mood for. Glad to hear you get great new books last week. I hope you enjoy all of them, Majanka. Have a wonderful week. 😁

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