Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Purple Booker. In this meme, we grab our current read, open it to a random page and share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page with our readers.
Click HERE to view all my ‘Teaser Tuesdays‘ posts.
Here is my teaser:
I went into my room and studied the back wall. What was on the other side? I put my ear to the wall, between movie posters for The Shining and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but I didn’t hear anything. I tapped the wall. It sounded hollow.
My room had a closet at the back. I got a flashlight, pulled aside the clothes hanging there,
~ p. 42 Room of Shadows by Ronald Kidd
What’s your teaser for this week?
Good teasers. Sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy it! My Teaser
Ooh, I love the cover, the premise, and the teaser. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.
The posters on the wall remind me of my room when I was a teen. LOL This sounds like a good one and I love that quirky cover:)
My TT from The Nutting Girl
Teasers to intrigue!!!!
Ooh sounds spooky. 🙂
great teaser, thanks for sharing.
Intriguing and definitely one I want to know more about!