Title: Charm & Survival (From Siberia with Love #3)
Author: Ilana Cohen
Genre: Romance, Women’s Fiction, Contemporary
Rating: 3,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Steaming hot lovers are reunited by tragedy . . .
Edith can’t capture Alex, the wildly attractive ladies’ man who she believes to be her destiny. On his way to a romantic rendez-vous with another woman, Alex suffers a terrible car crash. The tragic event returns him to Edith. After a long stay in the hospital, bandaged and injured, Alex is now a broken vessel, his beautiful face cracked with ugly scars.
Edith’s reward for undying love that does not judge: five-star sex!
Edith welcomes her lover back. In her arms Alex becomes himself once more and graces his beloved with the professional, five-star sex that Edith has come to know and love.
Tantalizing sex with tales of mind-boggling adventure from the wilds of Siberia
Alex also regales Edith with countless stories of his wild and daring exploits in the wilderness of Siberia. His audacious personality and bold curiosity led him to experience unbridled sex and adventure in the untamed forests, mines, and villages of that huge Soviet wasteland. Join Edith as she is transported to Siberia by Alex’s descriptions and then return to their steamy love-nest in Israel.
I previously read and reviewed the first two books in the series: Joy & Survival and Mystery & Survival, and rated both of those 3 stars. Charm & Survival, in my view at least, surpassed both books, being my favorite in the series so far.
Alex is a ladies’ man. Edith, who believes Alex is the love of her life, should know that by now yet she stubbornly refuses to admit it to herself, even when Alex goes out for a romantic rendez-vous with another woman. On the way over, Alex suffers a terrible car crash, though, an event that turns him to Edith. As he’s now stuck to a hospital bed, injured, scarred, Edith becomes his confidante.
He tells her of his adventures back in Siberia, some of those rather sexual in nature, and Edith and Alex grow closer together as Alex heals.
More than the other books, there’s a strong erotic element in this one, and Alex and Edith are finally becoming like real partners in a relationship. Maybe not a very conventional relationship, but a relationship nonetheless. I liked Alex more in this book than I did in the previous ones. Edith also appears slightly more naive, although sometimes I still wanted to knock some sense into her.
Anyway, fans of travel stories, of erotic adventures, and of struggling characters will enjoy this book. Definitely for adults, though, as it comes with a lot of steamy scenes.
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