It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by BookDate. It’s where book bloggers gather to talk about what books they read and reviewed last week, what books they’re currently reading and what books they’re planning to read. This is a great way for me to plan my reading week, and to take a sneak peek at what others are reading.
Finished Reading
- Blood Curse (Branded Trilogy #2) by Kat Flannery
- Sacred Legacy (Branded Trilogy #3) by Kat Flannery
- The Matriarch Matrix by Maxime Trencavel
Currently Reading
- Winner Take All by Mary B. Rodgers
- The Imaginarium of the Innocent by H.A. Betancourt
- It Feels Good To Feel Good by Cheryl Meyer
What are you reading this week?
The Feel Good is a book I could use right now. Enjoy your new books!
I haven’t read the Branded Trilogy … maybe I’ll look into it.
These are all new to me. I hope you enjoy the ones coming up this week. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Enjoy your books. Come see what I’m reading
Looks like you have some good looking books coming up. Enjoy your week!