Title: Sweet Dreams
Author: Stacey Keith
Genre: Romance, Contemporary
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
In a little town in the heart of Texas, the same old story can turn into happily ever after . . .
On any given day, Maggie Roby has cake batter on her sleeve, flour where the blush supposedly goes, and sore feet from standing since dawn. For her sister’s wedding day, she’s added a side of heartache. Maggie’s failed marriage taught her that love is a lie and commitment a mistake, and it was an expensive lesson. But with her bakery thriving and her life simplified to work, family, and knitting for her pug, Maggie thinks she’s bought some peace. Until Jake Sutton walks in and she realizes she isn’t safe from desire at all . . .Jake has model-perfect looks and about a billion dollars to throw around, but Maggie also sees the same never-say-die grit she prizes in herself. The attraction between them is hotter than her oven in July. But when Jake decides to restore the old Art Deco movie theater right around the corner from her bakery, she worries that temptation is a little too close for comfort. And the added ingredient of a man from her past only complicates the mix. This time nothing less than true love will do. If she can learn to listen to her heart, she just may be able to have her cake and eat it too.
Sweet Dreams is a contemporary romance filled with chemistry and attraction. Protagonist Maggie Roby bakes cake for a living, and she has a sweet, caring personality. Her cake baking antics reminded me of myself last week… While I tried baking cake, and it was actually half-decent.
Anyway, with my recent cake-baking endavour right behind me, it seemed fitting I read this book, and I loved Maggie. The events in her past nearly broke my heart. She’s lived through a failed marriage, and this caused her a lot. She’s now focused solely on the bakery, her family and her pet pug. That is, until Jake walks into her store.
Jake is smoking hot, and Maggie instantly feels attracted to him. When his personality is a good match to her own, and him deciding to restore the Art Deco movie threater around the corner from her bakery, she worries she will not be able to deny the growing attraction between them much longer…
Maggie was my favorite character. I didn’t like Jake that much at first, but I soon grew to like him – his stand-offish personality at first is just an act, and there’s a reason why he acts the way he does.
This is a thrilling, adorable romance between two characters who really deserve to find their true loves.
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