Title: Memoirs of a Road Warrior
Author: Fred Klein
Genre: Humor
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Andrew Livingston, a young, naive college graduate gets a job as a sales engineer for a crazy company. Set in New York in the corporate raider 1980’s this humorous book is a recounting of all the strange history of a high-tech company with an eccentric CEO.
This character gathers together a strange assortment of employees who endeavor to manufacture and sell their products to an equally strange collection of customers. The book tells of their amusing conflicts and experiences throughout the decades.
Follow the company’s encounters with Chinese agents, horse trailers, rocket fuel disasters, con-men, bedbugs, and airplane crashes. Learn how not to run a business!
In Memoirs of a Road Warrior, the reader follows the life story of Andrew Livingston, a college graduate who is quite naive about his expectations from life. Andrew gets a job as a sales engineer for a company that is slightly odd, and with a CEO who is even weirder. As Andrew and his colleagues try to get their company off the ground to customers who are as strange as the employees, hilarity ensues.
Memoirs of a Road Warrior is a rollercoaster of hilarious situations, one rapidly following the next, and this book brought more than one smile to my face. The writing was fluent and entertaining, and if you’re looking for a book that’ll make you smile, this is definitely it.
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