Book Review: Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons by Sam Brand

Title: Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons
Author: Sam Brand
Genre: Nonfiction
Rating: 3 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I am trapped in the marathon world.

Help!! I cannot find any way to escape the marathon jungle world.

Stop being a case study in the runner’s world.

Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons will lead you towards a new direction so you will be able to find a way to escape from the world of marathons and move on to a new, positive sporting life.

Sam Brand thinks that the peak of the marathons may have been reached. Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons will show you the way to reinvent yourself, to become a new you, with the 26.2 loving thoughts that will change your running world.

Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons is Sam Brand’s philosophy behind sports and happiness.

You can shape your world, become a dolphin, all other animals are already taken.

Go for the human dolphin’s magic life.

So, apparently, according to Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons there are different types of people aka animals: Human Ants, who are running marathons, Human Dolphins who exercise regularly but are not overly obsessed with exercising, and Human Chimps, who do little to no exercise.

Okay, so admittingly, I’m a chimp and nowhere near Dolphin or Ant territory, although I would like to be a Dolphin, and it’s been on my new year’s resolution list for years to start exercising regularly. But something always comes up and by now, I’m an expert at finding excuses why I should not exercise, ranging from lack of time to lack of space to lack of whatever-I-can-come-up-with-at-the-time.

The book is quite simple and straightforward. It promotes running and exercise but with measure, and stresses that people shouldn’t overdo it, which sounds like a healthy approach to me.

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