Title: Take Me To The Start
Author: J.R. Kavit
Genre: Romance
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
If you could change one moment in your life what would it be?
When Sophia loses her job on one of the worst days of her life, she meets Benjamin King, an enigmatic British Scientist that makes her wishes come true and then disappears. When a big secret comes to light, Sophia and Benjamin’s relationship takes a surprising turn.
A mysterious, sexy and deeply moving novel about loss, pain and the courage to confront one’s past through love.
Frustrated with the disappearance of the socially alienated thirty year old Scientist that changed her life, Sophia who defines herself as asexual and damaged, goes on a mission to find him and when she does, they discover that if they want to be a part of each other’s worlds, they’ll have to deal with their dark pasts. The past they worked so hard to hide. To make it work they will have to overcome their fears… or go back to the start.
A fresh and engaging novel you will not be able to put down.
Take Me To The Start is a romance novel about how the past echoes in the present. It’s about our battle with the greatest question of all: what if we could go back and do it differently? It’s a gripping and provoking read.
Take Me To The Start is the first installment in the Take Me To The Start trilogy.
Take Me To The Start is the thought-provoking story of Sophia, who meets Benjamin King, an enigmatic British scientist, on one of the worst days of her life. Benjamin is everything she ever wished for, and understands her in ways no one ever could. But then he disappears, and Sophia is more heartbroken than ever…
Until she makes the decision to go on a missoin to find him. When she does find him, she discovers that if they want to be part of each other’s worlds, they will have to deal with their dark pasts… Pasts they’ve both worked very hard to hide.
They can’t be together until they face their fears. But can they find the courage to do so?
This was a very relatable book, with a heroine who is both complex and intriguing but also the kind of character you feel an instant connection to. The plot was unique and suspenseful, and although I could sometimes anticipate what would happen next, other times I couldn’t anticipate that at all.
An engaging read for people who enjoy reading thought-provoking, moving books.