Book Review: Something Wicked by Debi Chestnut

26796654Title: Something Wicked
Author: Debi Chestnut
Genre: True Haunting, Ghosts & Hauntings, Non-Fiction
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 1 star
Purchase: Amazon

Forget what you know or think you know about negative entities. Unless you are one of the few who have encountered a demon, it’s almost impossible to grasp the depth and scope of such pure evil and how these creatures can enter someone’s life and completely turn it upside down. Something Wicked explores the topic of negative energies, dark forces, and exorcisms with fresh eyes so that you may come to your own conclusions.

I read a few books by Debi Chestnut already, and usually I find them quite enjoyable. However, Something Wicked missed the ball for me. I didn’t enjoy the book at all. From the synopsis, I thought the author would give an explanation about negative entities, more in particular demons, and then would go on to detail some cases she worked on. While the author does mention some cases, it’s rather vague, and doesn’t give out a lot of details, making it rather boring.

I understand the need to protect the people involved, but still, if you don’t give out any details whatsoever and just a basic rundown, then it makes for rather boring reading. Also, the book was very, very repetitive. It paraphrased sections from what the Vatican said about demonic possession, for example, and then underneath, explained the already paraphrased sections again.

It just felt as if someone without any experience could’ve written the same book. It all stayed very much on the surface, rephrasing knowledge already known to most people with an inkling of interest in the paranormal world. The writing was dull, and it’s more than a manual than anything – except not a very enjoyable manual to read.

I have to say it was a dissapointment, and I expected more. I read it to the end because I forced myself to, but I didn’t enjoy it at all, in fact, I was bored ofr most of it. I would muh rather recommend “Stalking Shadows” or another book by this author.

Book Review: Forevermore by Kristy Robinett

20605423Title: Forevermore

Author: Kristy Robinett

Genre: Non-Fiction, True Haunting, Ghosts and Hauntings

Age Group: Adult

Rating: 3,5 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Kristy Robinett has always had helpers in spirit, but when she was thirteen, she met the most fascinating spirit guide of all–Edgar Allan Poe. Forevermore tells the true story of how Edgar Allan Poe helps Kristy heal her soul so that she is able to fulfill her destiny.

Always reluctant to be known as a psychic, Kristy Robinett is shocked when Poe begins helping her discover information about her past lives. Not only does he encourage her to become a writer, but he also teaches her about his life so she is able to help him in his journey as a spirit guide, affirming the comforting fact that we are all given the chance to learn and grow on the other side.

Forevermore is the story of Kristy Robinett, who’s always had spirit helpers, one of them being an Indian, another a woman, but the most important one being Edgar Allan Poe. In Forevermore, Poe helps her discovers not only more about Poe’s life and his own tragic death, but also about Kristy’s past lives, and the role she played in Poe’s life back in the nineteenth century.

I was unsure what to think of the book, considering Kristy Robinett is convinced she talked not just to one spirit guide but several, and one of them is none other than Poe. It’s a stiff claim, and makes one think if the author is perhaps a little cocky to think the ghost of Poe would talk to her. However…I’m not convinced it’s all in Robinett’s mind. If it’s all true…I’m not sure either. But the author sounded sincere enough to convince me up to some point. She definitely believes what she’s writing, that’s for sure.

The book is part true haunting, part history novel. Robinett visits Baltimore, and other prominent places in Poe’s life, and tries to discover what happened to him, how he died, and what their connection is. Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, or anything of the sorts, it’s still entertaining, and a must read for fans of Poe. I knew a lot about Poe – at least, I thought I did – but I discovered something new every few pages, so my Poe knowledge is more limited than I thought, and I’m glad I learned more about the famous author.

The writing was solid, and like I said, the book is entertaining. I’m still not convinced it’s all true, but it made a good read nonetheless.

Book Review: Meeting Place of the Dead by Richard Palmisano

20791449Title: Meeting Place of the Dead

Author: Richard Palmisano

Genre: True Haunting, Non-Fiction, Ghosts and Hauntings

Age Group: Adult

Rating: 3 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Come with us as we investigate a place that has so many spirits it is impossible to even hazard a count. A place that seems warm and inviting, but this is only an illusion a ghostly trap to lure you in. On this journey we discover hidden secrets, violent ghosts who find enjoyment in attacking the living, and entities that disguise themselves as children. Discover why a paranormal investigation group with more than thirty years of experience had to shut down its investigations and walk away from an incredibly haunted property.

Meeting Place of the Dead has a logical build up: we start with the first investigation, then go on to the next, etc. We get a rundown of everything that happened during a specific investigation, and sometimes we get smaller chapters in between that deals with research into the property the group is investigating and its history, or about what happened on cameras the investigators installed during a previous investigations.

So while the build up is logical, and that would suggest that the book would be a strong, non-fictional account of what happened at this particular house, it lacks credibility. Let me explain. We follow a group of paranormal enthusiasts as they enter a supposedly-haunted house, equipped with high-tech video cameras, a ghostbox, and EVP meters. From the first minute they arrive there, they establish a connection with the entities (plural) that inhabit the house. Now, one entity I’m willing to believe. Two, sure. Three? Maybe. But we’re talking dozens of entities here. Ghosts who may not have any connection with the house at all, but who just dropped by to have a chat with our paranormal group.

Maybe something is wrong with their equipment, I don’t know, but it sounds like one heck of a coincedence that they encounter this many ghosts in a house not even reputedly haunted. The house’s reputation is a bit tainted, but it’s nowhere near as horrible as one would expect from a house inhabited by this many spirits.

Then the group brings in a bunch of mediums who more-or-less tell the same thing, except with some twists here and there. They find a spot where they suspect a child’s corpse is hidden, but nothing is there, with leads me to question the mediums’ credibility. Also, the way the author tells us everything is more like a video transcript, like he’s just typing whatever happened on video.

The story is repetitive, mostly because of the strange video-transcript-like writing style, and overall, lacks credibility. The focus is mostly on investigating, which is good, but completely lacks in the historical research department. I would’ve like to learn more about the house’s history.

Book Review: Blessed Are The Wicked by Steven A. LaChance

20605411Title: Blessed Are The Wicked

Author: Steven A. LaChance

Genre: Non-Fiction, True Haunting, Ghosts & Hauntings

Age Group: Adult

Rating: 1 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Living with a paranormal storm looming on the horizon, constantly feeling the darkness trying to penetrate his soul, Steven LaChance has discovered that the aftershocks of a demonic possession can be more dangerous than the initial haunting itself. Marked by the supernatural trauma inflicted by the Union Screaming House–as chronicled in his first book, The Uninvited–Steven and his family find that no matter where they move, no matter what they do, they are still vulnerable to otherworldly attacks.

As malevolent forces continue their relentless assaults, violent outbursts erupt among the close-knit community that has been touched by unspeakable evil. Fighting for his sanity and his life, Steven records in Blessed Are the Wicked how repressed horror and pain nearly tore his world apart.

Blessed Are The Wicked is perhaps one of the worst true haunting books I’ve read. Why? Because it’s not about the haunting. It’s not about what happened at The Union Screaming House – which, by the way, is barely touched upon – and I, having not read the first book, barely understood what had happened there. It’s not even about the aftermath, about dealing with demonic possession and the occassional resurfacing of demons and ghosts. No. It’s about the author and his family, and that’s mostly it.

There’s not enough about the haunting here, and way too many mundane details about the author and his family. The story itself seems over the top and fabricated – if a house was truly that wicked, it would be worldwide news, especially in today’s era. The author offers little proof for what happened besides his own word (no real search for the history of the house, no other witness accounts). This book reads like a horror movie, or an episode of Goosebumps, except then for grown ups. It’s too over the top not to be fabricated. Even Hollywood is more down to earth when they make horror movies ‘inspired by real events’.

I’m willing to keep an open mind, but when you have poltergeist-like phenomena, demonic possession, satanic rituals in the basement….well, then you know you’ve just stumbled into lalalala-land (aka fiction territory).

The author also has a very black/white view on just about everyone. He classifies people as “good” and “bad” and leaves out everything in between. The writing is boring and sloppy, the author focuses too much on himself instead of on what’s happening, the haunting sounds fake, and all in all, there was nothing scary about it.

Book Review: Missing & Presumed Dead by Gale St. John and Diana Montané

18579782Title: Missing & Presumed Dead: A Psychic’s Search for Justice

Author: Gale St. John and Diana Montané

Genre: Non-Fiction, True Haunting, Ghosts and Hauntings

Rating: 3,5 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This fascinating look into the life and case studies of one of America’s most well-known psychic crime profilers offers readers a rare insider’s perspective on a dramatic world most people have only seen on television. Psychic sleuth Gale St. John has helped find missing persons from Ohio to Kathmandu, with victims ranging from innocent young children to Mafia bosses. Gale reveals how she is able to tune in to a missing person, describing what she sees, hears, and feels whether the individual is alive or not. One woman’s spirit relayed information that saved her roommate’s life. Another spirit, whose physical remains Gale helped locate, now helps her with other cases. Some of these stories made national headlines, a few cases are still unsolved. Each extraordinary account sheds light on the mysterious world of the psychic detective.

In Missing & Presumed Dead, Gale St. John talks about her experiences as a psychic working with law enforcement, where she helps find missing people. She works along with police officers, or sometimes takes on jobs all on her own. The victims she tracks down range from children to Mafia bosses, to innocent housewives. Gale St. John reveals her methods: how she tunes in to a missing person, how she follows her senses, describes what she sees, hears and feels to get an idea of where the person is at and if he/she is still alive. And most of all, this book shows that the dead aren’t always just gone, and that they might help solve their own murder, even from beyond the grave.

The writing was excellent for this type of book, and Gale always stayed down-to-earth. I liked how she took up the initiative to train dogs to help her find missing persons – alive and dead. A lot of time goes into training those dogs, but for Gale, it’s truly a pasison, a calling in life, to help those who have disappeard, and their families, so she trains her dogs, every week, year in, year out. Truly admirable.

I did find a lot of the focus of the book was on the dogs. And although interesting at times, I wanted to read more about the psychic cases, about the missing persons. Training dogs is a vital part of that, I understand, but the focus should’ve been on Gale being a medium, and how she locates her victims.

All in all, a good read, and different than I’m used to. I like to read about true hauntings, but missing cases solved by a psychic, I’m digging that topic as well.


Book Review: Vanquishing Ghosts and Demons by Sandrae Mosses

18579784Title: Vanquishing Ghosts and Demons
Author: Sandrae Mosses
Genre: Non-Fiction, True Haunting, Ghosts and Hauntings
Rating: 3,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The bizarre and terrifying true accounts in this book will have readers on the edge of their seats, aghast at what is “out there” and what can happen to those unlucky enough to cross pathways with deadly astral predators.

This book explores more than 30 case studies of spiritualist medium Sandrea Mosses and her colleagues as they battle ghosts, ghouls, and demons that have entered our world through portals or invitation. This is not a how-to book — in fact, the author is quite clear that inexperienced individuals can actually cause astral onslaughts to escalate and unwittingly bring great danger into their own life. However with the proper people, training, and tools, dark entities can be beaten.

In her work, Sandrea Mosses has removed astral beings from people, places, and the land itself. She has encountered everything from eerie ghost hauntings to creepy other-dimensional beings to full-blown demonic infestations

Vanquishing Ghosts and Demons tells us about the experiences of Sandrae Mosses, a spiritual medium, who battles ghosts, ghouls and even demons, along with her colleagues. Sandrea has lots of experience, and the cases she presents in this book range from tame, regular hauntings, to demon attacks that are downright creepy.

I found some of the terminology in this book strange, and I had trouble understanding how the demons/ghosts were pictured to Sandrae. Sometimes they appeared small, sometimes large. Either way, the spirits metioned were very cunning, and Sandrae’s own spirit guides often had to help her, or intervene.

I’m used to reading more scientifically-based true haunting books, but even the ones I’ve read before that deal with mediums, used different methods than Sandrae and her group. It was good to see a different perspective, and a different way of handling things.

Although I still prefer the scientific method, and find it far more credible, this book was a pleasant read with good writing.

Book Review: The Ghost in the Coal Cellar by Andrea Mesich

18579813Title: The Ghost in the Coal Cellar
Author: Andrea Mesich
Genre: Non-Fiction, True Haunting, Ghosts and Hauntings
Rating: 4 sstars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This unique guide takes the reader along on real paranormal investigations into several haunted locations, including Mission Point Resort, the Paulding Lights, the First Ward School House, and individual homes. Author and paranormal investigator Andrea Mesich presents the details of each investigation from start to finish. She describes the ghosts or entities involved, offers colorful historical details about each haunted place or object, and shares both eyewitness accounts and her own personal insights into the paranormal occurrences. Readers will learn about different types of hauntings and how to identify them.

The author also addresses some of the paranormal world’s most misunderstood topics and frequently asked questions, such as why hauntings seem to happen mostly at night, how to distinguish a true EVP from a natural sound, and whether or not using a Ouija Board is dangerous.

The Ghost in the Coal Cellar takes a scientific approach to hauntings. Andrea Mesich starts out by offering the history of a supposedly-haunted location. Then she describes the location or object, the entities supposedly haunting it, and she shares eyewitness accounts. This build up makes sure that there’s something for everyone. For the history buffs, there’s the historical background, which additionally gives insight into the haunting. The eyewitness accounts are kind of like urban legends, and entertaining to read. But the most intriguing part are the paranormal investigations themselves.

Tons of places Andrea mentions in her book, she’s visited herself, and conducted a paranormal investigation in them. This offers an intriguing insight, and a nice end to each chapter. I liked the mix of science, history, and the author’s own experiences: it’s a mix that works every time. The author is also very thorough in her investigation, and visit some locations several times to get a clear idea of what’s going on there. She also tried scientific approaches first, and looked for logical explanations.

The writing is great, and a lot of thought obviously went into how each chapter was created. The book overall reads like a very logical explanation of what’s going on. There’s also suggested further reading for those interested in the topic.

One of the best true haunting books I’ve read all year. A solid recommendation.

Book Review: Eerie America by Eric R. Vernor and Kevin Eads

17760171Title: Eerie America

Author: Eric R. Vernor and Kevin Eads

Genre: Travel Guide, Non-Fiction, Hauntings

Rating: 3 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

America is the land of the beautiful, but it is also a land of mystery and many haunted and bizarre places. With 150 images, addresses, and directions, go state-by-state to tour the macabre side of the United States. Journey to haunted old battleships, abandoned prisons, creepy lunatic asylums, the Amityville Horror House, the Winchester House, museums such as Edgar Allan Poe’s home, New Orleans Voodoo Museum, the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast, and much more! In addition suggesting places to visit, where to stay, and places to eat, chapters on each state have a break down of how best to experience the curious and bizarre sometimes just a building and other times a whole town. Come on this unusual but richly satisfying tour. You won’t be disappointed.

Eerie America is a travel guide of the macabre. The author takes the reader on a ride through America, through all the States, and stops by to visit the most macabre spots out there. With beautiful photographs and an atmospheric layout design, this is a great guide for people wanting to experience the more macabre side of the United States.

However, as a person more interested in the hauntings than the traveling itself, I found the book lacking depth and detail in regards to the hauntings. For example, the book would mention an inn was haunted by a ghost named Mary, but there would be no history on the ghost, no eyewitness account, no evidence. And with thousands of ghosts named Mary (seriously, half of the time, the ghosts mentioned in the book, were called Mary), it quickly became repetitive. I would’ve preferred if the author focused on a few locations in detail, like say, one or two locations per state.

But if you want a quick guide for haunted locations across the states, then this book definitely works. It’s organized by state, and each state has a recommended place to stay and place to eat.

Book Review: Ghost Sanctuary by Becky J.

18616372Title: Ghost Sanctuary

Author: Becky J.

Genre: Non-Fiction, True Haunting, Ghosts

Age Group: Adult

Rating: 3 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by PUYBT in exchange for an honest review.

Ghost Sanctuary is a factual accounting of a family’s struggle with ghosts living in their home. The book explains in detail the happenings faced by the family and their reaction to the invasion of the spirit realm into their own. The book contains fascinating photo and video evidence of what the family has and continues to experience. The author identifies how her own belief in God and the afterlife has helped her to overcome and understand the trials and tribulations of her family’s ordeal.

Ghost Sanctuary is a true account of one family’s struggle with the ghosts inhabiting their house. The author seems to have had several experiences with ghosts prior to moving in, but these experiences reach a climax while living in their current house. The author links the ghostly struggles with her own beliefs in God, and even looks to the bible for an explanation of what is going on, and how she should deal with the ghosts. Eventually, when the experiences get too bad, she even searches for other ways to get rid of the ghosts, trying herbs, candles, and other things she got from a local shop. Unfortunately it seems to agitate the spirits more than appease them.

The author also has had several paranormal investigator teams visit her house, to try and determine what is causing the paranormal phenomena. The experiences sound real and believable. They’re not too over the top, and the author has included heaps of evidence, like audio tracks, links to Youtube videos, and even pictures.

Now, let’s start with the good. The evidence is great. There are orb pictures, a picture of a dark shadow inside the house, the audio is clear, and the evidence really supports the author’s claim. For me, this was easily the most interesting thing about the book. The haunting itself is intriguing too, and it sounds believable – the haunting grew in strength over the years, seems completely random, and has increased because the author kept filming/taking photos, which usually leads to an increase of paranormal behavior. So, it makes sense.

The not-so-good was the writing. It’s obvious the author isn’t trained at writing, but an editor should’ve spotted the abundance of exclamation marks. It’s all told in a down-to-earth voice, kind of like the author is sitting next to you, and telling you the story. I got used to it after a while, but a thorough editing job could’ve helped wonders here.

There’s also a too-heavy emphasizes on religion, at least, for me. The author even goes as far as to quote bible verses. People who are devotedly religious might like this, but I had no need for it in a book about this topic. Also, the whole religion part might scare off people who enjoy reading true haunting accounts, but have no message in religion.

All in all, a decent book, and I liked browsing through the evidence presented.

Book Review: Haunted Ontario 3 by Terry Boyle

17893521Title: Haunted Ontario 3

Author: Terry Boyle

Genre: Ghosts and Hauntings, Non Fiction, True Haunting

Age Group: Adult

Rating: 3,5 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Interested in discovering more about haunted Ontario? Join Terry Boyle as he explores the shadowlands beyond the grave. Revel in the outstanding evidence of spirit habitation in museums, historic homes, inns, jails, and graveyards. Witness the full apparition of the innkeeper’s wife at Greystones Inn in Orangeville. Encounter the misty form of a civil war veteran in the graveyard of the old St. Thomas church. Experience the incredible slamming-of-doors at the Keefer Mansion in Thorold. Visit a whole village of spirits who share the buildings at Black Creek Pioneer Village. You can even spend the entire night in the Orillia Opera House with Terry and his friends.

Prepare to be scared out of your wits with the stories behind these and other hauntings. After providing you with a list of addresses, phone numbers, and websites for each location, Terry invites you and all other ghost enthusiasts along for the adventure. Feeling brave?

I’ve never been to the Canada, let alone Ontario. But after reading this book, I really, really, really want to go. Sounds to me like they have more haunted spots there in half of Europe. Or maybe we need more ghost hunters here. Just saying.

Either way, Haunted Ontario 3 focuses mostly on Black Creek Pioneer Village, and several buildings there. Most of those buildings are, presumably, haunted. We get eye witness accounts, and some pictures that are really helpful to imagine how the buildings look like. I would’ve liked it though if the author included more of his own conclusions. He visited all the sites mentioned in this book, so I would’ve liked to know what he thought, and whether or not he did some actual investigating there. Sometimes he gives us his opinion, but it’s always rather short, and gets lost in the opinion and stories of others. I would’ve loved to read a longer description of one of his ghost hunts in the locations mentioned.

I imagine that if you know the Ontario area, and have the possibility to go to the areas mentioned in the book, that it must be three times as interesting to read about the tales of hauntings going on at the various locations. Since I’m not in that position, I would’ve liked less description of the sites, and more focus on the ghosts, their history, and some actual ghost hunting.

Nevertheless, it was an interesting read, and the author has a clear, basic writing style that fits this type of book. I’m kind of bummed this is the third book though, which is probably my OCD kicking in, but I wished I could read all three books in the series. I’m eager to read about more the hauntings, and about the author’s adventures while ghosthunting.

A solid book for fans of ghost hunting books, and true haunting books. If you’re heading to the area, then you should definitely read this book before going out there, so you know what spirits to look for, and where.