Book Review: Turn Your Dental Practice Into A Successful Business

Title: Turn Your Dental Practice Into A Successful Business
Author: Gabriel Asulin
Genre: Nonfiction
Rating: 3 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

How to turn your dental practice into a profitable business.

“Turn your Dental Practice into a Successful Business” is a bestselling book that offers practical solutions that can be easily applied in every dental practice in order to increase its sales very quickly. The book (translated into Spanish, Russian and Hebrew) provides detailed answers to all the dental practice related marketing, management and sales questions or issues, which will allow you to increase the sales and profitability of your dental practice in a very short time.

The author, Gabriel Asulin, is a world-renowned expert and became a global “guru” in the field of marketing and promotion of dental practices. Gabriel is a top presenter and popular lecturer worldwide. His seminar “How to Double your Clinic’s Sales in 3 Months!” was a major blockbuster in in China, Colombia, Mexico, Russia, Israel, Bulgaria and Dominican Republic in recent years.

The strategies and methods suggested by Gabriel in his book are based on many years of experience in business consulting and training hundreds of dental practices around the world.

The unique management and marketing methods presented in this book are successfully used by many dental practices and have proven to significantly improve sales and profitability.

I was asked to review this book by the publisher, Turn Your Dental Practice Into a Successful Business, but I was a little worried at first that the contents of the book would not interest me at all: a dental practice? I’m not a dentist, far from it, so what purpose would the book serve me?

The author, Gabriel Asulin, is an expert in the field of marketing and promoting dental practices. The book gives a lot of information regarding how to attract clients, retain existing clients, improve productivity, where to advertise your practice, and so on. I’m sure that for dentists, this book is a goldmine of information.

For me, I found some of the information useful since it was a more general approach, that could be used in all kinds of businesses, and not just dental practices, but the more specific information was not that useful to me.

Book Review: Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons by Sam Brand

Title: Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons
Author: Sam Brand
Genre: Nonfiction
Rating: 3 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I am trapped in the marathon world.

Help!! I cannot find any way to escape the marathon jungle world.

Stop being a case study in the runner’s world.

Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons will lead you towards a new direction so you will be able to find a way to escape from the world of marathons and move on to a new, positive sporting life.

Sam Brand thinks that the peak of the marathons may have been reached. Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons will show you the way to reinvent yourself, to become a new you, with the 26.2 loving thoughts that will change your running world.

Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons is Sam Brand’s philosophy behind sports and happiness.

You can shape your world, become a dolphin, all other animals are already taken.

Go for the human dolphin’s magic life.

So, apparently, according to Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons there are different types of people aka animals: Human Ants, who are running marathons, Human Dolphins who exercise regularly but are not overly obsessed with exercising, and Human Chimps, who do little to no exercise.

Okay, so admittingly, I’m a chimp and nowhere near Dolphin or Ant territory, although I would like to be a Dolphin, and it’s been on my new year’s resolution list for years to start exercising regularly. But something always comes up and by now, I’m an expert at finding excuses why I should not exercise, ranging from lack of time to lack of space to lack of whatever-I-can-come-up-with-at-the-time.

The book is quite simple and straightforward. It promotes running and exercise but with measure, and stresses that people shouldn’t overdo it, which sounds like a healthy approach to me.

Book Review: Understanding Pain is your Guide to Healing by Hayuta Epstein

Title: Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing
Author: Hayuta Epstein
Genre: Nonfiction, Spiritual
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Your Body Knows Everything

Understand the spiritual cause for pain and use it to for personal growth and healing

Our body speaks to us through pain, as well as other sensations and bodily experiences. Each pain has a reason and a purpose: to signal and communicate to us what needs attention and healing. Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing teaches the reader to listen to the body’s signals and understand the spiritual cause for pain, in order to facilitate personal growth and development.

You can take responsibility for your life and develop the ability to heal yourself

Why did we come to this world? What is the cause of our pain and suffering? How can we connect with our inner guide, enter the path of healing and communicate with Higher Sources of knowledge? This book offers an alternative perspective to the conventional perception of pain, teaching that pain can be a valuable resource for self-understanding and spiritual growth.

Learn how to balance body, spirit and soul

Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing has important and useful insights about the medical, emotional and energy-related reasons for pain, as well as valuable methods for self-healing. Learn how to change harmful thought patterns and reconnect with your inner guide through this new and higher understanding of pain.

In Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing, the author describes how pain is our body’s way of letting us know something is wrong. Pain has a reason and a purpose, even if we can’t immediately figure out what the reason is. Pain signals to us something in our body needs to be healed. The book shows how you can listen to your body’s signals and understand the spiritual causes for pain.

You can develop the ability to heal yourself, and that’s what this book tries to promote. However, while I believe that up to some point – a lot of illnesses can be cured more easily with a positive mindset, with attention for your body and the health needs your body has – this certainly does not count for everything. No matter what type of holistic approach you want to try, something you need a doctor or medical professional. But for regular ailments, like a stomach ache or a cold, I do think you can accomplish some self-healing.

It’s an insightful book, but one that needs to be read from a critical point of view.

Book Review: Parkinson’s? You Must be Joking! by Alona Golan Sadan

Title: Parkinson’s? You Must be Joking!
Author: Alona Golan Sadan
Genre: Nonfiction
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Life with a parrot on my shoulder . . .

“You’ll have to get used to this disease,” said the doctor. “You’ll carry it on your shoulders all your life.” I immediately thought of Jack Sparrow’s parrot…

After years of trembling, stumbling, and difficulties that seemed natural to one who is no longer a spring chicken, Alona Golan Sadan discovered that she actually had Parkinson’s. She tells openly and with humor about dealing with this strange new bird in her life. Misdiagnosing doctors, alternative therapists who claimed aliens were following her, and the unfortunate (for her!) discovery that she now needs to do intense physical activity – these pitfalls become easier as Sadan helps her readers to look at them cockeyed and find what is amusing in them.

A sense of humor is not enough.

Also featured is the added value of expert advice. Renowned neurologists, psychologist, dietitians and additional experts from different fields, also weigh in with articles in their fields, including a chapter on rights and governmental benefits for Parkinson’s patients in the US.

An absolute must for those diagnosed with Parkinson’s, family members, friends, and professionals.

In Parkinson’s? You Must be Joking!, author Alona Golan Sadan describes how she had suffered from various symptons for years, until she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. She tells candidly, and with a sufficient dose of humor, about dealing with this disease, and finding a place for it in her life. Also included is expert advice, from renowned neurologists and psychologists, who give tips for how one can make life bearable, even with a disease like Parkinson’s.

I would recommend this book to everyone who has Parkinson’s themselves, or who has a family / relative or friend with the disease. It’s an eye-opening read with lots of medical advice, tips on how to handle the knowledge of having such a disease, and a good dose of humor added in as well.

Book Review: Getting Used to Success by H.J. Shalev

Title: Getting Used to Success: Develop an Invincible Mindset, Bolster Self-Confidence and Build Winning Habits
Author: H.J. Shalev
Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help
Rating: 5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Are you self-aware, rational, and pragmatic, yet still unable to achieve the results you want in your management, business or career?

Success in business doesn’t solely depend on diligent planning, executing and ‘doing’. The ‘human factor’ plays a vital role in accomplishment and prosperity. As an executive or a business owner, your success depends first and foremost on your mental conduct. It’s not enough to learn tactical methods and techniques, or plan a strategy; in order to succeed in today’s competitive reality, you must first tackle your mental side and reprogram your ‘operating system’. Once you do that, you can eliminate what is blocking your success, excel your execution and break through!

Effective methods and tools to earn more money

The “Getting Used to Success” book reveals a unique methodology developed by H.J. Shalev, which he first implemented on himself in his dramatic career change back in 2005. Ever since, he has used this methodology to help about 1,000 clients in over 10,000 hours of coaching, to reach breakthrough results in their businesses, management and careers.

This methodology is brought to you here, step by step, in an effective, structured, practical and applicable way. This unique book combines the mental and the physical, spiritual and tangible, ‘being’ and ‘doing’ aspects needed to succeed in business today.

Getting Used to Success, as the title suggests, is a self-help book created in order to help people cultivate the necessary mental conduct in order to achieve success. Showing several effective methods to better your career and earn more money, the methodology explained in this book is rather straight-forward and easy to understand, but in a good way, allowing everyone to understand the step-by-step plan to become more successful.

Success is a combination of many factors, and it’s exactly the right combination that allows someone to succeed in every task they perform. Passion, dedication, talent are just some parts of the equation, but there’s much more to it: success is a habit. And a habit, you can develop – meaning that everyone can become successful.

This was an excellent, thought-provoking, detailed book that I would recommend to everyone who wants to be successful in life; and don’t we all want that?

Book Review: Why is it Always My Fault? by Dr. David Yagil

Title: Why is it Always My Fault?
Author: Dr. David Yagil
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help, Parenting
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Finally, a book about ADHD and Learning Disabilities that helps parents and children together!

This book, for children age 6-18 years and their parents, illustrates the personal experience of a child who has attention deficit disorder (with or without hyperactivity) and/or learning disabilities to provide better understanding of these phenomena and greater awareness of the child’s internal world. It teaches how to communicate with ones child without accusations, mutual anger, or frustration. It describes the child’s characteristic problems, how he feels and thinks about himself, implications for his academic, emotional, and social functioning and offers practical instructions for parents, teachers, and children.

Share feelings about personal stories with which your child can identify

A unique section features children speaking their own mind, intended for young readers and parents together. It presents children’s stories of their experiences, sense of inability to meet expectations, and personal feelings of pain. As the child reads the story and identifies with the feelings and thoughts expressed, parents can discuss with their child, in a supportive and empathic atmosphere, his academic and social problems and possible better ways of coping.

“Why is it Always My Fault?” focuses on children who have attention deficit disorders (such as ADHD) and/or learning disabilities. On the one hand, the book helps authors to better understand their children who are suffering from this, and on the other hand, it also helps the children themselves, and illustrates their own, internal world.

It teaches parents how to communicate with their children under these circumstances, and helps put things into perspective. Authors who have children with ADHD or learning disabilities, or teachers teaching these children, should definitely read this book.

Book Review: Creative Marketing by Dr. Yaniv Zaid

Title: Creative Marketing: How to Sell more, Get High Prices and Develop Your Business to Success
Author: Dr. Yaniv Zaid
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help, Guide
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Do you want to jump start your business to reach amazing levels?

This book reveals the most innovative and successful tools for increasing your income, building your professional authority, creating and maintaining a community of customers, engaging in creative marketing, and maximizing your sales. Apply the skills and strategies you will gain here, and your business will soar!

Acquire all the skills you need for unprecedented business success!

Learn all about:

  • asking and getting high prices for your products and services, even in a “saturated” market
  • thinking creatively at all times, even in a competitive market
  • turning compliments into income and motivating people to act, even if they had not been planning to buy from you
  • creating a growing community around you and “educating” it to patronize you and not your competitors
  • marketing and selling differently and more effectively than do your competitors
  • making as many people as possible talk about you as much as possible, saying only good things
  • and more…

In “Creative Marketing”, the author showcases some creative, innovative ways oto market objects, and to create and maintain a community of customers, engage and maximize your sales. Using psychological techniques to influence other people’s opinion, this book is informative, scientific and to-the-point.

The book is entertaining and well-written, and the message is interesting and something I will definitely utilize soon. The author apparently also gives seminars, which I think can be helpful too, in addition to the book, to give more real-life examples.

Book Review: The Magnet: The Way to Fulfill Your Dreams by Oriella Paz-Maureen

Title: The Magnet: The Way to Fulfill Your Dreams
Author: Oriella Paz-Maureen
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help
Rating: 3 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Regain the powerful, priceless inner compass that you once possessed naturally!

You were born with a unique, priceless, internal compass. Like any infant, you could direct your surroundings to satisfying your desires, which were very clear to you then. However, as the years went by, your connection with this internal magnet has weakened. The Magnet connects readers to the internal, inherent magnet with which every one of us is born and which opens the opportunity for change and realizing one’s dreams. It is a unique way to attract desired reality, opportunities, and wishful “coincidences” into our lives.

This book will guide you in your self-transforming work to achieve the reality you desire

This method is not magic; it requires working through all four of the echelons of our existence: physical, emotional, mental, and energetic. With methodic practice, which can also be assimilated with unique meditations studied in the course, one is opened step by step to change and success, altering the automatic mode of existence to a conscious and fulfilling life.

“The Magnet: The Way to Fulfill Your Dreams” helps readers to get back in touch with their own internal compass. Infants are more in tune with their surroundings. As adults, we often feel distanced from everyone and everything. This book is meant to help re-connect readers with their inner magnet, with their true self.

I found the book a bit hard to follow. Even the examples weren’t always as straightforward as I had hoped. Some things are described as being easy while in reality, and for someone with little practical experience with meditation and such, it can be hard.

Still, it’s an intriguing book and the message is one that could change many people’s lives, for the better.

Book Review: Small Steps to Great Parenting by Dr. Kalanit Ben-Ari

Title: Small Steps to Great Parenting: An Essential Guide for Busy Families
Author: Dr. Kalanit Ben-Ari
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publsher in exchange for an honest review.

Are you drained by the daily power-struggle with your children?

In this book, Dr. Ben-Ari provides concise and proven tips that can be used in everyday family life. With clear examples taken from the author’s research, extensive clinical experience, and personal experience as a mother, the reader will soon learn how to look at issues through the lens of the parent-child connection rather than as a “child behavior problem” that needs to be controlled. This understanding, along with practical tips, will enable one to solve any problem.

…and too busy to read a lengthy, theoretical parenting book?

With small yet highly effective tweaks, parents will learn to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and connection, repair situations when things go wrong, and bring joy, calm, and balance to family relationships in our fast-paced world. This cutting edge book is perfect for anyone who really wants to improve parenting skills with immediate success and acquire building blocks for a strong family relationship.

In “Small Steps to Great Parenting”, Dr. Kalanit Ben-Aari, a parenting expert, gives small but helpful tips on how to become a better parent. Rather than diving off into complicated, long explanations, the tips are short and to the point, with chapters that focus on particular, challenging subjects.

The approach is simplistic and easy to understand, but this adds to the merit of the book and makes it easier to understand for everyone. It also transforms the book into an useful, practical guide.

Not being a parent myself, I’m not really the targeted audience for this type of read, but I enjoyed it nevertheless, and I think that for parents, especially busy parents, this can be a helpful guide.

Book Review: Rich Before 40 by Paz Itzhaki Weinberger

Title: Rich Before 40: The Ultimate Guide to Wealth
Author: Paz Itzhaki Weinberger
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help
Rating: 3,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Do you want to be rich before the age of 40?

This is the ultimate guide book for financial success, to live well and get rich by the age of 40. It shows that with perseverance and dedication to your goal and to a number of basic general rules it is possible to elevate your life to the right path and achieve abundance, even if the starting point was not at all easy… to soar from the depths to the heights.

The wildly successful author of this book will show you the way!

Paz’s philosophy of life and its clear correlation to business is reflected in chapter headings such as: “Insurance and Securities – Critical Tools for Becoming Wealthy,” “Success in the Image of Haters and the Envious,” “Accepting Death as a Part of Life,” “Other People and Why Only They Can Make You Rich,” “Essential Tools for Building a Personal Image of Success,” “Making a Living on the Path to Wealth,” “Social Skills, Networking, Connections, and Rubbing Shoulders with the Elite,” “The Cost of Unnecessary Emotions,” “Gambling, Careless Spending, and Stupidity,” “Law and Accounting – Friends or Foes on the Way to Wealth?” and “The 19 Commandments – Closure.”

In “Rich Before 40: The Ultimate Guide to Wealth“, as you might have guessed, the author describes how you can get rich before you’re 40 by following a simple, straightforward set of rules and being dedicated to your goals.

Despite that, there’s no golden set of rules, not even the ones as described in this book. What works for one person might very well fail for another. Still, the mindset is one that’ll certainly help people overcome challenges, and in that way, it’s definitely a good place to start.

The book might not make your rich, but I’m quite certain if you follow the principles set out in the book, that you’ll certainly be able to improve your own financial situation.